.....Calling his mission “yoga for the Everyman,” Mr. Romanelli, 36, plays Grateful Dead songs during class, wears sweat pants rather than spandex, and has already experimented with offering chocolate truffles after chaturanga instruction. “It’s a way of getting people in the door,” he said in an interview. “The world is a better place if people do yoga. And if they come because chocolate or wine is involved, I’m fine with it.”
In 2007, a combination yoga studio and fine dining restaurant, Ubuntu, opened in Napa, Calif.
Yoga retreat centers now offer gourmet cooking classes and wine tastings; New York yogis trade tips about which nearby ashrams (Anand) and studios (Jivamukti) serve the best muffins.
But not everyone agrees that the lusty enjoyment of food and wine is compatible with yogic enlightenment. Yoga purists say that many foods — like wine and meat — are still off limits. Others, like Mr. Romanelli, say that anything goes, as long as it tastes good. ......
....Several prominent American yoga teachers like Ana Forrest and Bryan Kest have recently acknowledged eating meat. ....
..Eva Grubler, director of training at Dharma Yoga in New York, one of the most venerated yoga centers in the country.
“Ten years ago we would not even be having this conversation,” said Ms. Grubler, who added that a vegan diet was a given for her. “Yoga used to be much quieter, but now there are more people, they are more activated, and they are questioning everything.” She says that the true yogic path gradually and organically frees people of desire for meat, dairy, caffeine and alcohol.
“A pure yogic diet is one that is only calming: no garlic, onions or chili peppers, nothing heavy or oily,” said Ms. Grubler. “Steamed vegetables, salads and fresh juices are really the ideal..read more at New York Times: When Chakras and Chocolate Collide

Ana Forest : Forest Yoga
Ana is a well-known yoga teacher, and contributing expert to Yoga Journal and other national wellness publications.
Dharma Mitra Yoga, New York
Est 1974.
"With constant practice, one can improve his physical body and mental attitude rapidly, thereby igniting the higher motives of making ones self useful to him-self and all mankind." Dharma Mittra
IMAGE: Dharma Mittra
Exhale Yoga Spa
Yoga for Foodies : Jam Sessions
In 2010, Yoga + Chocolate and Yoga + Wine co-founder David Romanelli is excited to announce his new creation: “Jam Sessions: Yoga for Foodies.” From New York to New Orleans and LA to Dallas, David will collaborate with great chefs from around the nation to present a fresh take on food, sustainability, and those rare moments that are so perfect, you could, well, ah, have an orgasm.

alma (al ' ma)
1. n. - Soul (from the Spanish)
2. v. - To nourish (from the Latin)
Chocolate has long been associated with passion and love, and touted for its aphrodisiac and medicinal properties. Its Latin name, Theobroma, means “food of the Gods.” 2. v. - To nourish (from the Latin)
image: Chocolate Chinese Buddha, available at Alma Chocolate. Order online or visit her shop and cafe :
140 NE 28th Ave. • Portland, Oregon 97232 • (503) 517-0262
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