Savage, sane, 'wake up and smell the coffee', advice
from my fave former Catholic, Seattle's darling, Dan Savage.
Do the white lies, perfect lighting and inflated egos we present early in a relationship force us to be better people?
If we want the relationship to hold must we now live up to what we claimed we were?
Can we go beyond tolerating behaviors of our partner to a place of authentic acceptance?
What is the Price of Admission in a Relationship?

Monday Mantra and Tao of the Self Obsessed
....................,,,.....................<*****(((((( 'expect only what you are given' ))))*****>.............................,,,........
If we can follow the above all the time, we will be enlightened bliss beings
If we can follow it most of the time, we will be happy.
If we never follow it, we will be miserable, always disappointed, alternately feeling guilty and indignant.
Chasing shadows, following the way of the self obsessed

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोस्त्वऽकर्मणि॥
Line 1: Karmanyevadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana -
Don't expect fruits. To expect a fruit is a mistake that leads to suffering.
Line 2: Ma karma phala he tur bhuh, ma te sangvasta karmani; -
You have a duty, you have an obligation to do, but you have no right to expect a particular consequence or result or fruit to follow from what you do.
The above is an interpretation via Vikram Madan, not translation
Monday Mantra is a weekly mantra series,
exploring the power of mantras both ancient and contemporary.
The power of our thoughts is well established scientifically, and has been known to the prophets, seers, philosophers and magicians throughout history

TED, 10 Things You Didn't Know About Orgasm
Mary Roach on the amazing, and frequently silly, little known facts of orgasm
Mary Roach
Bonk, the curious coupling of sex and science
Los Angeles Tantra Coach

Leonard Shlain, Best-Selling Author, San Francisco Surgeon Dies
May 11, 2009
The Bay Area and the world lost a renowned visionary thinker and educator when Leonard Shlain, best-selling author and San Francisco surgeon, died Monday, May 11, 2009 at his home in Mill Valley after a battle with brain cancer. He was 71 years old.
Admired among artists, scientists, philosophers, anthropologists and educators, Leonard Shlain authored three best-selling books: Art & Physics, Alphabet vs. The Goddess and Sex, Time, and Power. He delivered multimedia presentations based upon his books in venues around the world including Harvard, The New York Museum of Modern Art, CERN, Los Alamos, The Florence Academy of Art and the European Council of Ministers. His fans include Al Gore, Norman Lear and singer Bjork who credited Shlain ’s Alphabet vs. The Goddess with inspiring her recent album “Wanderlust”. His fourth book Leonardo’s Brain about Leonardo Da Vinci will be published next spring by Viking. Dr. Shlain was a surgeon for 38 years at California Pacific Medical Center where he headed the Laparascopic Surgery Department and an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCSF.
........more from Leonard
Art & Physics
The Alphabet vs. The Goddess
Sex Time & Power

Leonard Shlain at UC Berkeley
Dr. Shlain talks about his three previous books--Art and Physics; The Alphabet Versus the Goddess; and Sex, Time and Power and his forthcoming book on Leonardo da Vinci.